Don’t Miss a Beat

Whether you’re music career’s just kicking off, or you’re already performing in front of thousands, it’s impossible to play to your full potential if you can’t hear your monitor mix clearly.

With our innovative 3D ear scanning technology, we create the perfect In-Ear Monitors for a fit like nothing else, meaning you can focus on what you do best – performing.

Have you heard of our new video hearing test?

Here at Hearology we are working hard to keep providing the hearing care that you need, despite the challenges of the pandemic - so we have produced the world's first ever video hearing test! Through it, you or your loved one can obtain a clinical assessment of your hearing from one of our licensed audiologists without having to leave the comfort of your home. Contact us about it using the phone number or email found at the bottom of this page to find out more.

Do your ears need
a tune-up?

In our clinics we provide a wide range of audiological services including ear wax removal, hearing tests and tinnitus alleviation programmes and procedures.